
Let not be Indigenous Movement as Sisyphus

Nepal is such a country where some communities are well-addressed in the constitution and others, however, are beyond its boundary. Among those excluded communities, a framework is made to address some of them in terms of law and others in accordance with rules and order, as a new caste system. The language of a specific community has been used as the language of the nation, language for official works, courts, education, media and even as a lingua-franca. Other languages, though listed under national languages, nobody knows where and how they are being used. Similarly, specific religion and culture are being preserved and promoted as they are taken as eternal culture and religion of the nation. Even there are many issues related to livelihood, identity, existence and development of indigenous community in Nepal and it was worsen rather solving problems in the constitution as it was just brought as a package to settle down conflict. In contrast, why there would have been no campaigns, struggle and movement on such issues? Why the movements on the roads don’t resemble real movements?


Some Reasons: Some Predictions

One: One reason for this is that there is the domination in the mind of people of indigenous community from new constitutional people. As the new constitution is explained as the best constitution in the world which has provided equal rights to all castes, languages and communities, and the effect of such narration can be seen indigenous community.   Believing in the commitment of seven federal states with their rights, it has stopped so many questions to be asked. It is clear that they seem negligence selecting names on the grounds on identity, and rights to be there. There we can see lack of indigenous movements, leadership and even a clear vision that can cross the constitution.  

Two: The movement of indigenous people in Nepal is proceeding ahead in package, as it starts from minor demands and, after combining all minor programs, it takes a complete form of movement. For example, if we launch campaign or programs such as right to get education in our mother tongue at school and colleges, use of such languages in police-administration, courts and offices, and the campaign to create employments for economic progress, then the real movements could start. When such kinds of delegation, discussion and struggles come together, it takes the form of movement.

Here, we can see mismatches between our demands and issues, raising all the issues at once, principle of compromise, and further there is carelessness in collecting people’s support. As a result, to cross the decision made from reactionary and conservative, there we lack an initiation of a new movement in a new way.

Three: indigenous movement seems unplanned and backward as we are still not clear on the identity and the theoretical issues of the movement. The communist parties that raise the economic issues of the poor and lower class people, and their intellectuals opine that the movement for identity is just opposite to class struggle and the principle of Marxism that could bring division and also seems directed by post-modern foreign policies but it just a blame to dilute our movements. Even though the Maoists, at the beginning, were carrying the issues of identity and poor classes but could not implement theoretically; and could not have ideological clarity and commitment on this issue. They used this prospect only as a weapon and cannot refuse as they are blamed. Thus, no protests or agitations became able to systematize the concepts raised by Maoists and the movements of indigenous people, neither from the leaders nor from intellectuals.

Four: There seem a great problems not only in terms of ideological, theoretical and strategic level, but also in the selection of leadership and its planning. In some organizations of indigenous community related to political parties and their leaders, there we can see lack of autonomous, independent delegation and original thoughts. It is usual because such organizations and the people are directed and guided with major party. Even in the leaders of indigenous forum, they are found more interested on political appointment, economic benefits and popularity.

As a result, the trend of assimilation of ethnic organizations and their leaders is increasing rapidly. Since they are allured with some positions like ministers, member of the parliament or ambassador, their issues and demands are found lying dead on the road.

The bitter reality is that not only the organizations and the leaders of indigenous forum, but the seniors, leaders and intellectuals who are not related to such organizations, have their prestige down because of continuous benefits that they are taking in the name of NGOs. It has helped a lot in the movements due to the culture of focusing on their own profile and career development and promotion rather than stablishing issues and demands and make them fulfilled. 

As the issues and demands of indigenous people are linked with human rights and inclusive democracy, once, we can say that there was limited assistance. But the leaders got sank into that assistance and one group blamed that movement for identity was dollar-oriented movement. As the Government and non-government organizations are living in dollars or foreign assistance, and the critics themselves are involved in such organizations which are run either with government or foreign financial support. As the organizations, the leaders within and outside the organization failed to refuse such unnecessary blames and develop popularity, the indigenous movement has become loose.

Five: Indigenous movement is not an issue which can be launched in an island and be landed there nor a demand with no agenda. This is compiled demand of all marginalized, excluded and dominated class, race, sex and the regions. Therefore, it is impossible to fulfill their demands separately. The one of major function of the organization, forum, the leaders and the intellectuals is to make a common demand for all people from different backgrounds, to create co-ordination between their demands and issues, to make them agreed in their issues and demands, and create the environment of collaboration.

Even the indigenous people as Brahmin and Chhetris, have treated Dalits discriminatorily and untouchably, we should not forget the reality of unsupported behavior of Dalits leaders to stablish identity-based federal state. Likewise, though there was chances of strong identity, women having doubt of imposing traditional conservative system upon them, there was negative effect in support and help from them which is also better to be noted down.  

Some indications: Some Necessity

Now there would be lessen in doubts and complains as the interactions between the leaders and intellectuals at all levels has been increased in number but in public level, we can see the lack of organizational initiative, progressive actions and co-ordination. Indigenous people from hilly region including khas-arya, formation of federal socialist forum with majority of Madhesi people, and the spread of struggles from Madesh to the capital with the participation of those communities could have boosted to this prospect.  

In this situation, minor protests for minor issues and demands, a new inclusive and active organization to lead this movement, and the active participation of autonomous forum that is free from the boundary of any parties or the government, independent intellectual leaders and seniors are must. And, as the most important part, the protest on the issues of daily livelihood and induction of new youth leadership and creation have become so necessary. They could help to solve aforementioned problems and the problems till not noticed or faced. Still if we do not do so, the movement linked to human rights and democracy would face the plight of Sisyphus.
